Umuco Love Colombia - Bridging Divides

Do you know how war impacts women and children?

Our first trip to Colombia, where we were able to visit three cities with Artimaña: Bogota, Cali and Buenaventura 2022

1. Gender- Based Violence

The biggest risk women face is gender-based violence. Women and girls are exposed to unprecedented rates of sexual violence, abuse, and torture in war conditions. 

2. Weapons of War

Conflict enforces the objectification of women and girls, as they are often seen as weapons of war, being used by perpetrators of violence to assert control. 

3. 50% of conflict- related refugees

More than half of the world’s conflict-related refugee population is made up of women and children. 

In the past 2 years we have had the privilege of visiting Colombia with Artimaña a local organization to discuss peace building after a long history of war as the country had only seen an eternal war its INDEPENDENCE


Dydine in Medallin, Colombia with Margarita at the Farma Theater summer of 2023

Dydine with with Artimaña talking about peace with youth leaders in Medellin, Colombia 2023

In Colombia, Umuco Love is dedicated to bridging divides and fostering peace. Our initiatives include:

Genocide Prevention: Raising awareness to prevent conflicts and promote tolerance.

Peace Building: Collaborating with communities to build peace and understanding.

Embracing Diversity: Celebrating Colombia's diverse culture and encouraging dialogue.

Unity and Reconciliation: Facilitating reconciliation and healing processes among communities.

Justice and Peace: Advocating for justice and supporting sustainable peace efforts.

Donate Today:

Your generosity can make a significant impact in Colombia, bringing communities closer together and promoting lasting peace.