Umuco Love USA - Fostering Unity and Peace

Our Founder Dydine Umunyana with students of Milwaukee Tech High School 2016

At Umuco Love, we believe in the power of unity and peace to create a better world. Our program in the United States is dedicated to fostering a sense of community and understanding among diverse populations. Join us in making a difference in the USA by promoting:

1. Genocide Prevention:

- Our efforts focus on education and awareness to prevent atrocities and promote tolerance.

2. Peace Building:

- We work with local communities to build bridges and promote peaceful coexistence.

3. Celebrating Cultural Diversity:

- Embrace the richness of cultural diversity and encourage dialogue among communities.

Donate Today:

Your contribution can help us continue our mission of promoting unity, reconciliation, justice, and peace in the USA. Together, we can make a lasting impact.